Essay: Should capital punishment be legalized?
Capital Punishment is a controversial issue among the justice system as many times is incorrect or immoral. However, there are convincing reasons for legalising death row in some countries.
As a matter of fact, capital punishment, in some countries, is applied to terrible crimes such as rapes and murders. This is done since there are studies that prove once a person killed or raped someone they are in a point of ni return, meaning there are no, or few, possibilities of their turning back to their normal self. Another reason is to prevent future crimes from either the same criminals or other future criminals, it is indeed a tool to induce dear. Lastly, capital punishment is a way of making families feel relief and justice.
However, the criminal is still a human, no matter how heartless the crime was. Those criminals probably have a family who is going to be devastated. If instead of capital punishment they had a life imprisonment, their families could still visit them while Society is safe, plus the criminal could achieve redemption. Additionally, the justice system can't teach murder is immoral by killing another person; the criminal of the movie "Dead Man Walking" makes a point about this. The stress and psychological damage of knowing when you would die are cruel and brutal, no matter what method is usually used. Moreover, many times people are wrongfully convicted because there are flaws in the justice system commits by judges, the victims and the witnesses. People often make mistakes as they are humans. In the movie, "Dead Man Walking" they show a common situation where the sentence is unfair if there is more than one criminal. They should either both have life imprisonment or capital punishment, still, the judge should not differ id the crime committed is the same. The last of many reasons is that not every guilty, or not guilty, criminal can afford a good lawyer; this reason plus many other factors contribute an unfair trial for the poorest people potential non-guilty person of interest.
To conclude, when I first started to investigate I was strongly in favour of capital punishment, however, I had forgotten those criminals were still human beings and nobody should decide whether someone should live or die; neither the criminal nor the state.

To conclude, when I first started to investigate I was strongly in favour of capital punishment, however, I had forgotten those criminals were still human beings and nobody should decide whether someone should live or die; neither the criminal nor the state.
The essay is overall good, you make very good points, however, I personally think you could have given a more extense explanation of the controversy of capital punishment. I also think that the conclusion doesn't rellay conclude the ideas presented in the esaay, you simply talk about your personal opinion. Finally, make sure you read the text to see if there is any mistake.