Letter of request

To whom it may concern,

I was successful obtaining the position as a system analyst engineer starting the fisrt day of March.
 It is with great regret, however, that I must start later than expected. My father has had an accident two days ago. Due to this reason, my father need assistance as he is incapacitated. What is more it is my duty to return to my country to accompany him untill my sister returns from a course abroad, and he is extremely concerned no to be a burden to me.
 It would be only natural for you to assume this coukd be a reccuering problme, however I assure you this will not happen again as it is unlike him to suffer accidents. Moreover, I am aware of your insistence and I am really keen to start my ob as soon as possible.
 Given the circumstances, I am willing to qwork unpaid hours making up for my days absent. I will also advance my work and g to the cimpany to adapt myself along wiyh the current engineer as to be aware of the routine and work structure.
 Should you wish to discuss the matter, please do not hesitate to contacte me. I hope wou will understand my oreducament and will accpet my suggested solution.
 I look foward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Abril Stokle


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